
My Strong-willed Child

June 11th: Andrew takes his first two steps towards Jarod.

July 9th: Andrew is still not walking on his own.

Lesson I've learned: Andrew will do everything on his terms only!

As he's getting older, I am noticing how he wants to be in control of everything. I hand him his drink and he pushes my hand away. I put his shoes on and he takes them right off. I take my hand away as he is walking and he immediately sits down. When he wants to go outside, he wants to go outside NOW! Maybe this is just the developmental stage he is in, but I can't help but think of stories I've heard of Jarod when he was growing up; how no one was going to tell him what to do; how, as a teenager, he told his mom "rules were made to be broken". STOP. BREATH. Those words make me panic as a mother! I have to think of the positive qualities that go along with this strong-willed personality. Independent thinker. Leader. Passionate. Dedicated. Fearless. Come to think of it, I will be very blessed if he takes after his father...

...maybe with a little less of the rule-breaking behavior!

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the wonderful world of toddlers...especailly boys!
