
A Bee and a Bear


This year was a lot of fun. It was Andrew's 2nd halloween, but the first one that he could participate in trick-or-treating. Dominic, being only 5 weeks old, was the first of the Huppert babies to NOT wear the homemade pumpkin costume for his first halloween. I dusted it off and tried it on him in hopes that he would look halfway presentable so that he wouldn't break the tradition, but it was way too big! He still looked cute at a cuddly teady bear!

Jarod had to work until 7:00 that night so we waited for him to go trick-or-treating. Andrew was so excited to get going. He stood right by the door, watching the kids walk by, crying because he had to stay inside. Every time a trick-or-treater came to our door, he tried to sneek out as I was giving out candy. I felt so bad for the poor kid.

Once Jarod got home, it was off to the races!

He loved going up to each house. He would try to open the doors. Then, without even taking any candy, he would turn around and high tail it to the next house. If we stopped to talk to the neighbors, we would have to chase him down because he would already be in the street.

It was a very fun night. I'm already looking forward to next year!

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