
An ALMOST Very Bad Day

Andrew is obsessed with Baby Einstein.  We have this DVD that shows all kinds of animals set to music.  He LOVES it.  He wants to watch it all the time and will sit down in front of the TV and whine to get me to turn it on for him.  This morning was a particularly bad morning as I had woken up with Dominic four times and once with Andrew the night before.  I was exhausted and just wanted to go back to sleep, so I turned on the DVD first thing in the morning for him.  Right away when it was over he started whining about watching it again.  I could tell this was not going to be a good day.  I couldn't distract him with his toys, I thought about going outside...but a quick check of the thermometer said it was 15 degrees. 
Then I remembered there was a new recipe for banana bread that I wanted to try.  It's a recipe that uses applesauce instead of oil, honey instead of sugar, and whole wheat flour instead of white.  So I thought we'd give it a try.  In no time, Andrew forgot about the DVD and dug right in.    

He had so much fun mixing and licking...

and was pretty proud of himself when it was all done.  It turned out great!  Delicious and good for you!  The rest of the day was smooth sailing.  Thank God! 

Dominic stays pretty well entertained throughout the day in the exersauser.  He has been such a stinker at night, but he is cutting his two bottom teeth, so I'm hoping when those pop through things will go back to normal!

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