
A little Christmas Baking

This Christmas I didn't get around to doing too much baking, but I did manage to make some delicious peanut butter balls.  It wouldn't be Christmas without them!  I have always been very hesitant to let children help me in the kitchen.  I love the idea of cooking with kids.  Letting them create something with their own hands, learning as they go. But when I cook I want things to be done the right way...chopped evenly, measured correctly...which is weird because I am definitely not a perfectionist in any other area of my life.  And I like to make as little of a mess as possible, probably because I really don't like to clean up afterwards.  Needless to say, when you cook with children, "perfect" and "clean" just doesn't happen.     

That being said, this Christmas I took a deep breath and asked Andrew if he wanted to help make peanut butter balls.  And boy did he ever!  He had so much fun stirring, dumping, and eating.  Every time he stirred, powdered sugar flew out of the bowl and rice krispees went all over the floor. 

I had a hard time keeping the spoon out of his mouth!

It took a little longer than usual, but we made some pretty good tasting peanut butter balls...and we both had a great time!

Later that day I came into the kitchen and found this - tin foil lifted up and one ball missing.  Smart little guy!  He is getting so tall that things on top of the counters are no longer safe.  It's amazing the things he can reach. 

Preparing for Christmas was a lot of fun this year.  The boys are still too young to understand everything, but we talked a lot about baby Jesus.  This nativity book became his favorite to read and he liked to point out Mary, Joseph and Jesus on the different nativity sets we have in the house.   

And look who started drooling and blowing spit bubbles! 

1 comment:

  1. yay! you figured out how to get your pictures big!! they are so darn darling. you will never regret letting especialy your boys into the kitchen to help. seeing them learn how to really cook as they get older is such a bonus. way to go!
