
Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween from Clay Matthews and our little monkey!
I didn't put too much thought into Halloween costumes this year; I just went with the obvious choices.  Andrew is always talking about the Packers.  He gets so excited to watch the games with his dad that he walks around the house saying "Packers on" for days.  (Last week's by week was hard on him, but at least he still got to watch the Huskers!)  An added bonus was he already had the whole uniform, helmet and all, in his toy box.  And a monkey just seemed to be a good fit for Dominic, seeing as how his favorite thing to eat are bananas.  He can down a banana faster than it takes me to walk to the fridge and pour him a glass of milk.  Sine he is a very picky eater and doesn't eat much else, I am constantly going to the store to stay stocked up on bananas. 

They had a great time trick-or-treating.  Andrew was really getting the hang of it this year.  He would walk up to the house, ring the doorbell, and say "treat".  With our reminder, he would sign "thank you" and then take off for the next house.  No standing around to chat for him!  He was all business!
Dominic did well too.  He would politely take one piece of candy from the bowl and put it in his pumpkin bag.  He didn't seem to mind that he never got to eat any of it (except for the few skittles I saw Jarod give him before I freaked out!)
They had fun playing in their glow-in-the-dark skeleton jammies before bed.  Andrew instructed me to turn the light on and off about 50 times while they ran around and giggled. 

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