
It Begins...

Just recently we have noticed that Andrew has become a little territorial over his toys.  Dominic is getting bigger and has started grabbing at anything close by.  He is especially drawn to Andrew's tractors that light up and make noise.  This worries Andrew.  He furrows his brow, starts whining and takes his toy away from poor little Dominic. 
Up until this point, sharing hasn't bothered him.  Other kids would take away the toy he was playing with and it wouldn't phase him.  He'd just pick up another toy and keep on playing.  But now, I have noticed a change in him.  He is beginning that wonderful "terrible twos" phase and is constantly testing me.  His tantrums are getting louder and more dramatic, he doesn't like to listen to me, and he's learning the word "no".  I know this is just a phase he will grow out of, but in the mean time I will pray for patience and strength.  And if anyone has any pointers, please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. i definately have no pointers, i never know what i am doing! you are doing a fabulous job. brothers....they will be best of friends, don't worry.
