
Baby GIRL Kastl

Yes, you read that right...the word Girl...and Kastl...together...finally!
We are having a baby girl!  Isn't she beautiful!
Jarod and I went in for the ultrasound not knowing if we would find out.  In the waiting room he said to me that he didn't really care to know.  I, on the other hand, was leaning towards finding out.  It was too exciting knowing that in minutes I would be able to know a little bit more about this precious person that I was carrying inside me.  But to honor Jarod, I decided not to find out...that is until I was lying on the table and the ultrasound tech told us to turn away.  I looked at Jarod and he must have read the desire in my eyes because he said, "oh just go ahead and find out.  You know you want to!"
We were both unprepared for what she was about to show us.  When she said the word girl, we both were in disbelief.  I assumed we would keep having boys, like his mom did, and the rest of the Kastl women have done.  But God has blessed us with a little girl.  I'm a little nervous but at the same time excited.  What will a girl be like?  How will she change the dynamics of our family?  How will her  two older brothers treat her?  So many questions and so much to think about.  But for now I will relax and watch the beauty of God's plan unfold before our eyes.   
We are so excited to meet you baby girl and look forward to the blessings you will bring to our lives.


  1. someone HAD to have a girl eventually, right???!!! It'll be fun to see how many granddaughters Aunt Kathy ends up with. Miranda and I were just talking about the boy dominance in the Kastls and decided that the reason dad has had so many girls/granddaughters is because of his twin sister that we never got to meet. :(
    He had girl cooties from the womb and passed them on easier I guess. :)
    Congratulations on your healthy baby - those ultrasound pictures always amaze me!! Can't wait to see what her name will be!! Enjoyed catching up on all of the bday celebrations and your bathroom looks fabulous!! Great job J and A!!!! :) Lots of new stuff going on in your household for sure! Miss you guys. Love, Kari

  2. Yeah!!!! So happy to find this out!! :). She will have/ does have the whole fam wrapped around her fingers!! She's so precious!! Can't wait to meet her! :+). Love and miss you guys so much!!
