
A Polka Dot Party

Dominic's 1st birthday party was held on the Krenk farm at our annual family camping trip.  It was the first weekend in October and of course was the coldest day of the fall.  But everyone braved the cold and came out to wish Dominic a happy birthday (all except Aunt Carla and cousin Corbyn.  He was just too little and not feeling well to be out in the cold.)
Here we are singing Happy Birthday to Dominic and you can see Andrew starting to tear up.  He got so sad that Dominic was getting all the attention!
I had so much fun with this cake.  It turned out just the way it was supposed to...a polka dot cake for a polka dot party!
Thank you everyone for humoring me and wearing the party hats that I spent hours making.  Oh the things we moms do for our children!
The kids had fun exploring around the farm, but it was so cold that the moms left with the kids around dusk and left the guys to brave the 20 degree weather all night long! 
Happy Birthday sweet Dominic.  You are loved!

1 comment:

  1. How did you make the cake!!! I want your secret!! :-) Happy Birthday, Dominic!!
