

Andrew, you are growing up so fast.  You have reached a new milestone and have changed right before my eyes.  I doubted you.  I didn't think you could do it.  You proved me wrong.  You have been showing interest in using the toilet for a while now, so one day I thought, "OK, let's try this."  I bought you some under ware and prepared myself for a long drawn out battle with you. 
It took 2 days.  You caught on right away and amazed me!  After one week you didn't even need the M&Ms and popsicles we were using as a reward.  And if that wasn't enough, we stopped putting diapers on you for naps and nights right away too.  It's like you are an old pro at this.  Sure there have been some accidents that I've had to clean up, but nothing like I imagined.  Is it suppose to be this easy?  Or are you just spoiling me for the next ones?
I love seeing you run around with your little bare bottom and the way you say the word "undies" is priceless.  We got you Thomas the Train of course so you call them your "choo choo undies".  To celebrate, Dad got you some more Thomas tracks which you thought was pretty neat. 
Thank you for making this one so easy on me.  I will remember this for the times that you test me in the future!  I love you, my big undies-wearing boy!

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