
Guess What...

These little guys are excited to announce they are going to be big brothers!

Our precious new baby will be ready to make his/her appearance on February 9th (which happens to be Grandpa Dave's birthday!)

We had our ultrasound at 10 1/2 weeks and this is me at 13 weeks. 
I am 15 weeks now and am feeling good.  We are thrilled about this new addition and have lots to do before he/she arrives.  Andrew WILL be potty trained so I do not have 3 in diapers.  We will also need his crib for the baby so it's time to start looking for a toddler bed and move Dominic's crib into Andrew's room.  There will be lots of changes and transitions coming up which are sometimes hard for me, but at least we have a really good reason to motivate us!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura, I am so happy and excited for you! I just called your sister Kristi because I was extremely giddy and had to talk to her about it! What another blessing God has given your family, he is so good! You will all be in our prayers ;)
