
Look What Andrew's Been Up To...

Ok, we're not actually potty-training yet, BUT he has taken a lot of interest in the toilet lately so I've been letting him sit on the toilet after he wakes up from nap and before bath.  He has a great time on there reading books, playing with the toilet paper and flushing.  The amazing thing is, the first few times I set him on there he actually went, #1 AND #2!  I don't think that's normal for a not-quite-2-year-old boy.  We're going to take it really slow and if he's ready, great, and if not we've got plenty of time.
He is growing up so fast and continually amazes me with all the new things he's doing.  He loves to do housework with me and asks me everyday if we can vacuum.  He gets absolutely giddy when I get the mop out!  I hope he is still like this when he's 14.  If I need to occupy him for an extended amount of time I just give him his shoes.  He concentrates so hard on pulling the laces out, putting them back in and putting them on his feet.  It won't be long before he learns to tie them with the amount of practicing he does!
He's really grown into his role as big brother.  With the weather being so nice this winter we have been going on walks and Andrew has to be the one to push Dominic in the stroller.  When I try to help steer, he moves my hand away.  I am trying to find a balance of letting him do what he wants and making him understand that he has to do what I say.  At MOPS last week we talked about how important it is to teach our children to submit to authority.  They will always have to answer to someone above them...right now it's us as their mommas but eventually they will be answering to God.  I desperately want him to obey me, but more importantly I want him to learn to listen to God and be obedient to His perfect plan. This is a tough job for us mothers of strong-willed children! 
But Oh how I love watching him with Dominic!  Brother are so precious.

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