Behold, children are a gift of the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a reward. -Psalm 127:3
My Little Pumpkins
The weekend that Grandma and Grandpa Huppert came to visit, we took our first family trip to the pumpkin patch. Andrew wasn't that crazy about the pumpkins, but he did find a Tonka truck that we couldn't pull him away from. Go figure!
While Grandma held Dominic and cleaned my bathrooms (thanks mom!), Grandpa played with Andrew...he read him stories and even put him to bed!
Grandpa says he doesn't hold babies until they're out of diapers, but he really is a big softy. Here's proof...
Dominic at 2 1/2 weeks. He's growing and changing so much already!
And here's my mess maker. I turned my back for 10 seconds and this is what he does with his yogurt!
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